DigIt: The archive of everyday analogue life

DigIt: The archive of everyday analogue life

Digit is a WDR project in which new photos and films from everyday life of the past are added to a database every day.

Digit is designed to prevent these images and memories from being forgotten. Instead, we want to use Digit to save analog material into our digital age. Digit stands for digital, but at the same time is a prompt. Because “Dig it” is also English! So like treasure diggers, you’re supposed to sift and sort. You can make your material available to the general public via an upload at Digit or make it available to us for digitization.

A complete list of all the narrow films already digitized by Digit can be found here on Vimeo. It’s fun to let yourself drift there!



Friedemann Wachsmuth

Schmalfilmer, Dunkelkammerad, Selbermacher, Zerleger, Reparierer und guter Freund des Assistenten Zufalls. Nimmt sich immer viel zu viele Projekte vor.

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