Bauer T1S – Changing the worm gear

The worm wheel on this projector tends to break, but an excellent replacement part is available from van Eck. The installation is not (yet) described in detail anywhere, but I…
The worm wheel on this projector tends to break, but an excellent replacement part is available from van Eck. The installation is not (yet) described in detail anywhere, but I…
Direkt vor den zumeist mittels Beamer digital projizierten Filmen des Internationalen Wettbewerbs gab es am Samstagabend noch diesen Leckerbissen für Freunde analoger Projektion und sperriger Aktionskunst. Das Künstlerpult mit den…
Filmmaker and Bolex collector Richard Clement recently showed a rare piece of film technology: the SYNCHROFLEX is a tape recorder that not only works with perforated 16mm tapes, but also…
The British provider GAUGE FILMS reports on Instagram that the first tests of the Orwo "Original Wolfen" made into Super 8 material are currently underway. NC 400 color negative material.…
After I was able last fall to put my H8 RX in the closet as repaired, I now turned my attention to the defective Nizo Professional at the beginning of…
The Bolex is a fascinating device: reliability and functionality combined with beautiful design in leather and chrome make it one of the most desirable film cameras. But how do you…
Some time ago I built a 12 V battery for the Bolex ESM handle from a 2" drain pipe for a forum member because, among other things, the original large…
In the following I would like to describe how I convert scanned color negative films with the free software Davinci Resolve into color-correct, beautiful positives. There are many paths here,…
The Photopia trade show in Hamburg is slowly maturing into a Photokina replacement. But actually much better than Photokina, because this year both Click & Surr from Berlin and Khrome…
Ursprünglich bereits Anfang Juni auf dem Spielplan, aber dann auf den Herbst verschoben, fand letzten Donnerstagabend im Ostentor-Kino in Regensburg ein Schmalfilmabend mit Live-Musik des österreichischen Trios "Kontrapunk" statt. Ob…