Film Cement Formulas
Film cement is
a special glue to join motion picture film. It can only used with Acetate, Triacetate and Nitrate films.
And it cannot be used with polyester film base. Using film cement takes
a little practice. A good splice will last many years.
(1) Frank
B. Griffin (1923):
1. Collodion
......................................................... 3 drams
2. Acetic
Ether ................................................... 1/2 dram
3. Alcohol
.......................................................... 1/4 dram
4. Amyl
Acetate ................................................... 4 drams
5. Ether
.............................................................. 1/4 dram
6. Acetone
......................................................... 10 drops
(2) Kodak
film cement I (patented in 1953):
1. Acetone
........................................................... 20.5 %
2. Dioxane
.............................................................. 19 %
3. Methylene
Cloride ............................................... 55 %
4. Methyl Alcohol ...................................................
3.7 %
5. Nitrocellulose .....................................................
1.5 %
6. Ethyl Alcohol ...................... ...............................
0.3 %
(3) Kodak
film cement II:
1. 1,4-Dioxane (Diethylene
Dioxide) ........................ 50 %
2. Methylene
Cloride ............................................... 26 %
3. Acetone .........................................................
15-20 %
4. Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) .....................................
3 %
5. Nitrocellulose (Cellulose Nitrate/Collodion) ........ 1-5 %
6. Allyl Isothiocyanate, Inhibited ...............................
<1 %
(4) General
Aniline & Film Corpotation formulas (patented in 1961):
1. Acetone
............................................................... 60 mL
2. Cellulose
Nitrate .................................................... 0.2 g
3. Ethanol
................................................................. 10 mL
Dimethylformamide ................................................. 5 mL
5. Methylene
Chloride ............................................... 60 mL
1. Methylene
Chloride ............................................... 60 mL
2. Ethanol
................................................................. 10 mL
3. Cellulose
Acetate .................................................... 2.0 g
4. Acetone
............................................................... 10 mL
Dimethylformamide ................................................. 5 mL
6. Cyclohexane
........................................................... 2 mL
1. Methylene
Chloride ............................................... 60 mL
2. Ethanol
................................................................. 10 mL
3. Cellulose
Acetate .................................................... 2.0 g
Dimethylformamide ................................................. 5 mL
5. Cyclohexane
........................................................... 2 mL
(5) Russian
1. Dioxane
........................................................ 48,5 %
2. Acetona ........................................................ 48,5
3. Acetic Acid (70% solution) ................................ 3 %
4. Film Base ...........................................................
2 g
(6) Formula
from magazine 'Amateur Cine World' (1950's):
1. Acetone
........................................................ 80 mL
2. Chloroform ................................................... 16 mL
3. Glacial Acetic Acid ......................................... 8 mL
(7) Formulas
published by Pierre Boyer & Pierre Faveau:
1. Acetone
......................................................... 50 mL
2. Acetic Acid
..................................................... 5 mL
3. Film Base
.......................................................... 1 gr
1. Ethyl Acetate
................................................. 200 mL
2. Acetone
......................................................... 200 mL
3. Amyl Acetate
.................................................... 3 mL
4. Acetic Acid
..................................................... 60 mL
5. Film Base
............................................................. 3 g
(8) Formula
for film splicer 'Eumig Chemo Splicer':
1. Methhylene
Chloride (Dichloromethane) ............ 95 %
2. Ethyl Alcohol
(Ethanol) ......................................... 5 %
(1) US Patent
1596965, FILM CEMENT, Frank B (Oshkosh, Wisconsin), Griffinpatented
August 24, 1926.
(2) US Patent
2697044, FILM CEMENT, Robert S. Battey (Rochester), assignee to Kodak
Company, Rochester, NY, New, Jersey, publication date: December 14,
(3) Eastman Kodak Company, Film Cement Safety Data Sheet, (consulted in December
(4) US Patent
2990290, ADHESIVE CEMENT FOR PLASTICS, Curt B. Roth (Binghamton, NY),
assignee to General Aniline & Film Corporation (New York, NY), patented
June 27, 1961.
(5) Formula
published by Olexandr Kalynychenko in forum,
DIY Film editing cement = nail polish remover? (consulted in
December 2011).
(6) Formula from
'Amateur Cine World', (consulted in
December 2011).
(7) Pierre boyer
& Pierre Faveau, Arte y técnica del cine amateur, Editorial
Noguer, Barcelona, 1952.