processors \ film cement formulas

December 2011

Film Cement Formulas

Film cement is a special glue to join motion picture film. It can only used with Acetate, Triacetate and Nitrate films. And it cannot be used with polyester film base. Using film cement takes a little practice. A good splice will last many years.


(1) Frank B. Griffin (1923):

1. Collodion ......................................................... 3 drams

2. Acetic Ether ................................................... 1/2 dram

3. Alcohol .......................................................... 1/4 dram

4. Amyl Acetate ................................................... 4 drams

5. Ether .............................................................. 1/4 dram

6. Acetone ......................................................... 10 drops


(2) Kodak film cement I (patented in 1953):

1. Acetone ........................................................... 20.5 %

2. Dioxane .............................................................. 19 %

3. Methylene Cloride ............................................... 55 %
4. Methyl Alcohol ................................................... 3.7 %
5. Nitrocellulose ..................................................... 1.5 %
6. Ethyl Alcohol ...................... ............................... 0.3 %


(3) Kodak film cement II:

1. 1,4-Dioxane (Diethylene Dioxide) ........................ 50 %

2. Methylene Cloride ............................................... 26 %
3. Acetone ......................................................... 15-20 %
4. Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) ..................................... 3 %
5. Nitrocellulose (Cellulose Nitrate/Collodion) ........ 1-5 %
6. Allyl Isothiocyanate, Inhibited ............................... <1 %


(4) General Aniline & Film Corpotation formulas (patented in 1961):

1. Acetone ............................................................... 60 mL

2. Cellulose Nitrate .................................................... 0.2 g

3. Ethanol ................................................................. 10 mL

4. Dimethylformamide ................................................. 5 mL

5. Methylene Chloride ............................................... 60 mL


1. Methylene Chloride ............................................... 60 mL

2. Ethanol ................................................................. 10 mL

3. Cellulose Acetate .................................................... 2.0 g

4. Acetone ............................................................... 10 mL

5. Dimethylformamide ................................................. 5 mL

6. Cyclohexane ........................................................... 2 mL


1. Methylene Chloride ............................................... 60 mL

2. Ethanol ................................................................. 10 mL

3. Cellulose Acetate .................................................... 2.0 g

4. Dimethylformamide ................................................. 5 mL

5. Cyclohexane ........................................................... 2 mL


(5) Russian formula:

1. Dioxane ........................................................ 48,5 %
2. Acetona ........................................................ 48,5 %
3. Acetic Acid (70% solution) ................................ 3 %
4. Film Base ........................................................... 2 g


(6) Formula from magazine 'Amateur Cine World' (1950's):

1. Acetone ........................................................ 80 mL
2. Chloroform ................................................... 16 mL
3. Glacial Acetic Acid ......................................... 8 mL


(7) Formulas published by Pierre Boyer & Pierre Faveau:

1. Acetone ......................................................... 50 mL

2. Acetic Acid ..................................................... 5 mL

3. Film Base .......................................................... 1 gr


1. Ethyl Acetate ................................................. 200 mL

2. Acetone ......................................................... 200 mL

3. Amyl Acetate .................................................... 3 mL

4. Acetic Acid ..................................................... 60 mL

5. Film Base ............................................................. 3 g


(8) Formula for film splicer 'Eumig Chemo Splicer':

1. Methhylene Chloride (Dichloromethane) ............  95 %

2. Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) ......................................... 5 %


  • (1) US Patent 1596965, FILM CEMENT, Frank B (Oshkosh, Wisconsin), Griffinpatented August 24, 1926.

  • (2) US Patent 2697044, FILM CEMENT, Robert S. Battey (Rochester), assignee to Kodak Company, Rochester, NY, New, Jersey, publication date: December 14, 1954.

  • (3) Eastman Kodak Company, Film Cement Safety Data Sheet, (consulted in December 2011).

  • (4) US Patent 2990290, ADHESIVE CEMENT FOR PLASTICS, Curt B. Roth (Binghamton, NY), assignee to General Aniline & Film Corporation (New York, NY), patented June 27, 1961.

  • (5) Formula published by Olexandr Kalynychenko in forum, DIY Film editing cement = nail polish remover? (consulted in December 2011).

  • (6) Formula from 'Amateur Cine World', (consulted in December 2011).

  • (7) Pierre boyer & Pierre Faveau, Arte y técnica del cine amateur, Editorial Noguer, Barcelona, 1952.