DIY Tape Roller

Those who splice their film with tape know the air bubbles that occasionally gather under the adhesive film. From Würker (and later Wittner) there was the practical tape roller with…
Those who splice their film with tape know the air bubbles that occasionally gather under the adhesive film. From Würker (and later Wittner) there was the practical tape roller with…
Many small gauge film makers do not even know that there is a Double-X between the (now discontinued) Plus-X and the still very popular Tri-X. As the name suggests, its…
The hoses of the Lomo tanks often become brittle over time or have kinks that remain. Unfortunately, the hoses of all Lomo tanks do not have a standard measure, so…
Im einem dreimoduligen Workshop „Filmproduktion Basics: der analoge Workflow“ der Filmwerkstatt Münster wird interessierten Filmemacher*innen die Möglichkeit geboten, die analoge Filmproduktion von der Vorbereitungsphase bis zur Endfertigung kennenzulernen. Dabei wird…
Am 25. Februar 2019 von 18:00 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr veranstaltet die "Film Commission Region Stuttgart" (eine Einrichtung zur Wirtschaftsförderung in der Region Stuttgart) eines ihrer "Montagsseminare" - diesmal zum Thema…
German MDR's "Mediathek" presents a beautiful, ten-minute short documentary about Orwo yesterday and today. There are glimpses into yesterday, today, dark rooms and a perforator in action can be seen…
Wanted: Small format films from 1950 to 1980 100 years of Eumig – 1919, the company was founded, and with up to 7,000 employees in the 1970s was the largest…
In Saxon Frankenberg, a Super 8 workshop will take place in June 2019. Five participants learn with filmmaker Patrick Müller the handling of a Super 8 camera and the development…
Ektachrome is back! Since October 2018, the eagerly awaited Super 8 color reversal material has finally hit the market. You can already read in many film tests that the new…
I wrote the following article in August 2015 and then never published it for some reason.Nevertheless, it has not become less interesting, because it shows that Wittner would still be…