Super 8: “AGFA – A color picture evolves”.

...let's continue with part 2 of these unknown films that Agfa-Gevaert must have sent to dealers back in the late 70s, or at least planned to do so. This flick…
...let's continue with part 2 of these unknown films that Agfa-Gevaert must have sent to dealers back in the late 70s, or at least planned to do so. This flick…
The question arises again and again as to whether external light meters are "more accurate" than those integrated into the cameras. Or whether you can use external exposure meters to…
I had never heard of an optical printer with a Regular 8mm film camera. I had the idea that there ought to be one (at least) and that I could…
The Leicina 8SV is a very nice, special double-8 camera. Not only is it electrically motorized, it is also extremely robust, has a very good Angenieux lens and is usually…
Perhaps others here also know the chronic problem of too-dark b&w reversal films. At least for me, b&w reversal films turn out much more often too dark than too bright.…
Many small gauge film makers do not even know that there is a Double-X between the (now discontinued) Plus-X and the still very popular Tri-X. As the name suggests, its…
Im einem dreimoduligen Workshop „Filmproduktion Basics: der analoge Workflow“ der Filmwerkstatt Münster wird interessierten Filmemacher*innen die Möglichkeit geboten, die analoge Filmproduktion von der Vorbereitungsphase bis zur Endfertigung kennenzulernen. Dabei wird…
If you want to know when (and where) a film was produced, you can usually do so via so-called edge markings (or "edge codes"). However, the information on deciphering the…
Viele tun sich schwer, im dunklen die Spirale des Lomo-Tanks fehlerfrei zu beladen – unentwickelte Bereiche und doppelte Lagen sind so oft ein Frustfaktor. Dabei geht es ganz leicht, wenn…
Immer wieder stellen Anfänger die Frage, warum man mit Schmalfilm nicht genauso schön breite Bilder wie im Kino projizieren könne. Die Antwort lautet: Man kann, allerdings leider nicht so einfach.…