A smoke detector for the darkroom
Many amateur lab workers have their darkroom in the basement or in the attic, but at least in places that are otherwise rarely used. In addition, there is often a…
Many amateur lab workers have their darkroom in the basement or in the attic, but at least in places that are otherwise rarely used. In addition, there is often a…
Halbzeit bei den Schmalfilmtagen in Dresden. Ich war mit einem Film im Found-Footage-Wettbewerb am Donnerstagabend vertreten und lies mir auch das Programm am Freitag nicht entgehen. Wie immer waren die…
Ab morgen abend, Donnerstag 21.03.2019 finden zum bereits zwanzigsten Male die Schmalfilmtage in Dresden statt. Vier Tage lang gibt es unterschiedliche Wettbewerbsprogramme, Retrospektiven und Workshops. http://www.schmalfilmtage.de/ Wir werden berichten !
Those who splice their film with tape know the air bubbles that occasionally gather under the adhesive film. From Würker (and later Wittner) there was the practical tape roller with…
Many small gauge film makers do not even know that there is a Double-X between the (now discontinued) Plus-X and the still very popular Tri-X. As the name suggests, its…
For some time now, one of my cameras piling up is a Agfa Microflex 100, which seems to be still working flawlessly. At the very least, test shots with…
The hoses of the Lomo tanks often become brittle over time or have kinks that remain. Unfortunately, the hoses of all Lomo tanks do not have a standard measure, so…
No, it was not a loveless DVD or Blu-ray played from the laptop (preferably with a projected disc menu and several trial-and-error attempts in front of a gathered audience, as…
Im einem dreimoduligen Workshop „Filmproduktion Basics: der analoge Workflow“ der Filmwerkstatt Münster wird interessierten Filmemacher*innen die Möglichkeit geboten, die analoge Filmproduktion von der Vorbereitungsphase bis zur Endfertigung kennenzulernen. Dabei wird…
Am 25. Februar 2019 von 18:00 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr veranstaltet die "Film Commission Region Stuttgart" (eine Einrichtung zur Wirtschaftsförderung in der Region Stuttgart) eines ihrer "Montagsseminare" - diesmal zum Thema…